7 Day Clutter Clear Challenge


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Receive in your inbox, a daily inspiring action audio and email by Feng Shui expert, Gabrielle Alizay who shares recommended pro tips, let go rituals, helpful books plus little known clutter-clearing secrets to motivate and coach you through the seven days of release that will transform your life. It will only take 2-4 hours a day of focused commitment. Through intentional clutter-clearing key places in your dwelling, you will radically improve your day-to-day, your general quality of life, as well as positively stimulating the Planet.

These daily clutter-clearing inspirational emails also include:

  • A daily intentional affirmation, geared towards bringing meaning behind every clutter-clear action you take and how you can program these let go sessions in your space to heal self, loved ones as well as positively impact your global life.

  • A compilation YouTube playlist of favorite, super effective biokinesis audio healings, geared specifically to boost your clutter-clear behaviors. This is done by encouraging subconscious and nervous system let go, both during these frequent release sessions and as you sleep at night.

  • Private Facebook Support Group: bond with peers who are on the same clutter-clear course as you. Get advice. Share new, improved clean and organized home and office spaces. Before and after pics. Testimony. Motivation.

    Feng Shui 2.0 is the found missing link. Watch as it creates mind-blowing changes, healings and manifestations!

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